Message from Head of the Department

Prof. K. B. V. N. Phanindra
Head and Professor
Welcome to the Department of Civil Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
The Department of Civil Engineering, since its inception in 2008, has been at the forefront of teaching, research, and consulting, focusing on the broad areas of Geotechnical, Structural, Transportation Systems, Hydraulics and Water Resources, and Environmental Engineering. Our alumni have excelled in various capacities in industries and institutions in India and abroad. Our research encompasses both fundamental and applied studies to provide solutions that drive the future evolution of Civil Engineering. Industry interaction and academic exchanges are integral characteristics of our department.
The department offers a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) program in Civil Engineering, as well as two-year and three-year Master of Technology (M.Tech) programs. Additionally, we provide Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and self-sponsored M.Tech. programs (two years) in five specializations: Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics and Water Resource Engineering, Structural Engineering, and Transportation Engineering. CE faculty are dedicated to delivering knowledge and expertise across the broad spectrum of Civil Engineering and are actively engaged in research that addresses societal needs. Our faculty and graduate students actively participate in several sponsored projects from various funding agencies, including the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, National Highway Authority of India, Ministry of Environment & Forests, and Ministry of Human Resources & Development.
Our vision is to become a pioneering Department in the country for teaching, research and consultancy in existing and emerging areas of Civil Engineering.