Research Interests:
- Experimental solid mechanics
- Rock mechanics
- Mechanics of large strain deformation
- In situ measurement techniques
- Fracture mechanics
Ph.D. Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
M.Sc. (Engineering) Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science
B.Tech. Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Academic Experience:
Assistant Professor (April 2021 – )
Department of Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India
Post Doctoral Research Associate (July 2017 – March 2021)
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
[1] Yadav S., and Sagapuram D. (2020) Nucleation properties of isolated shear bands, Proceedings of the Royal Society A
[2] Viswanathan K., Yadav S., and Sagapuram D. (2020) Shear banding and fracture in large strain deformation: Understanding the mechanics of flow localization from Zener's time to the present, Applied Mechanics Reviews
[3] Yadav S., and Sagapuram D. (2020) In situ analysis of shear bands and boundary layer formation in metals, Proceedings of the Royal Society A
[4] Ma X., Zhao D., Yadav S., Sagapuram D., and Xie K. (2020) Grain-subdivision-dominated microstructure evolution in shear bands at high rates, Materials Research Letters
[5] Yadav S., Feng G., and Sagapuram D. (2019) Dynamics of shear band instabilities in cutting of metals, CIRP Annals
[6] Yadav S., and Sagapuram D. (2019) Nucleation and boundary layer growth of shear bands in machining, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
[7] Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (2018) Experimental investigations on deformation of soft rock during cutting, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
[8] Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (2016) Porosity and geometry control ductile to brittle deformation in indentation of porous solids, International Journal of Solids and Structures
[9] Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (2015) Deformation field evolution in indentation of a porous brittle solid, International Journal of Solids and Structures
[10] Du F., Yadav S., Moreno C., Murthy T. G., and Saldana C. (2014) Incipient straining in severe plastic deformation methods, Journal of Materials Research
Conference Proceedings:
[1] Yadav S., Murthy T. G., and Sagapuram D. (June 2018) An experimental study of wedge indentation of porous solids: Implications for cutting and drilling processes, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 13th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, College Station, TX, USA
[2] Yadav S., Sagapuram D, and Murthy T. G. (July 2017) A comparative study of indentation deformation fields in porous ductile and brittle solids, 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Paris, France
[3] Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (May 2015) Indentation studies on soft rocks, 13th International Congress on Rock Mechanics (ISRM), Montreal, Canada
[4] Singh S., Yadav S., and Murthy T. G. (Dec. 2014) Deformation fields in 1-g model test of footings on sand, Indian Geotechnical Conference Proceedings
[5] Yadav S., Singh S., Kandasami R. K., Murthy T. G., and Saldana C. (Sept. 2014) Experimental studies on the cutting of granular materials, Geomechanics from Micro to Macro, Taylor & Francis Group, London
[6] Murthy T. G., Saldana C., Yadav S., and and Du F. (July 2013) Experimental studies on the kinematics of cutting in granular materials, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings
Conference Presentations:
[1] Yadav S., Feng G., and Sagapuram D. (August 2019) Dynamics of shear band instabilities in cutting of metals, 69th CIRP General Assembly, Birmingham, UK
[2] Yadav S., and Sagapuram D. (June 2019) Nucleation and boundary layer growth of shear bands in machining, Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2019), Erie, Pennsylvania, USA
[3] Yadav S., and Sagapuram D. (March 2019) On the shear band nucleation and flow transitions in cutting of metals, TMS-2019, San Antonio, TX, USA
[4] Yadav S., Kustas A., Argibay N., and Sagapuram D. (March 2019) On the nature of plastic flow in CoCrFeMnNi alloy under high-velocity shear deformation, TMS-2019, San Antonio, TX, USA
[5] Yadav S., Murthy T. G., and Sagapuram D. (June 2018) An experimental study of wedge indentation of porous solids: Implications for cutting and drilling processes, Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2018), College Station, TX, USA
[6] Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (July 2015) Mechanics of orthogonal cutting in porous brittle solids, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015), Leganes-Madrid, Spain
[7] Yadav S., Saldana C., and Murthy T. G. (Jan. 2015) Experimental studies in shear band formation in geomaterials, Engineering Mechanics Institute 2015 International Conference (EMI 2015 HK), Hong Kong
[8] Yadav S. (Oct. 2014) Experimental studies on cavity expansion in soft rocks, Geo-Innovations (IGS Bangalore), Bangalore, India
[9] Wang Z., Du F., Saldana C., Yadav S., and Murthy T. G. (Feb. 2014) Error propagation in deformation parameter measurement for SPD processes, TMS-2014, San Diego, California, USA
[10] Yadav S., and Murthy T. G. (March 2013) Understanding deformation from 1-g model shallow footings on sand, GeoApps-2013 (IIT Hyderabad), Hyderabad, India
[11] Du F., Yadav S., Murthy T. G. and Saldana C. (Jan. 2013) Evolution of deformation field in large strain plastic flow, International Symposium on Plasticity - 2013, Nassau, Bahamas